Phil Keay Education Associates
Bespoke School Improvement Support

External Verification
External Verification is the process of having an impartial independent expert examining various aspects of provision and, based on evidence, suggesting improvements. The report can be used to inform improvement planning as well as evidence for other parties such as governors or Ofsted.
A day or half-day visit to examine an aspect of provision will be followed by a detailed report which is broken down into four sections as follows
Introduction - purpose of visit, documentation received, who was involved, what was examined and what methods were used.
Findings - a summary of the evidence from an appropriate range of sources including staff interviews, learning walks, pupil voice and work scrutiny.
Conclusion - summary of findings including how it compares to Ofsted descriptors.
Recommendations and questions to consider - advice and ideas on how to best move forward.
A full draft of the report will be sent to you prior to the final verion so that you can edit according to your needs.
Exactly what aspect or aspects of provision are scrutinised is entirely up to you. Examples include the following
Departmental reviews - this could be for any department whether core, Ebac or other. The senior line manager and middle leader would be integral to the process.
Self Evaluation - this looks at the whole school SEF (or certain aspects of it) and tests the assertions made based upon evidence.
Key Stage 3 assessment - assessment without levels has posed a huge challenge for secondary schools. This review would check assessment systems for appropriateness and triangulate pupil assessment levels with standards in books.
Monitoring systems - this .would consider whether the school monitoring systems are appropriate to need and accurate in findings
Marking and assessment - a detailed work scrutiny across year groups and subjects to check if the marking and assessment policy is consistently being adhered to.
SMSC & British Values - a 'big picture' check of the four aspects of SMSC as well as the awareness and application of British Values.